5. How to set up autoresponders

Set up a message. Sit back and relax. SimpleTexting can automate your SMS marketing with a fun little feature called the autoresponder.

Drew Wilkinson avatar
Written by Drew Wilkinson
Updated over a week ago

(This is part 5 in the SimpleTexting 101 Beginners Guide to SMS Marketing.)

Abracadabra, alacazam! Automatic messages ✨

It’s time to talk about a little bit of SMS magic called autoresponders.

Autoresponders are delayed messages you can write in advance and assign to lists. Anyone who joins your list will automatically get your autoresponder. Maybe a day after joining, maybe a week—it all depends on your delay setting.

Once you create an autoresponder, SimpleTexting takes care of the rest. Like magic. Poof.

Set it and forget it.

  1. Log in and go to Messaging, then Autoresponders

  2. Choose a list to attach your autoresponder to PurplePeopleEater, for example

  3. Choose to send your Autoresponder as an SMS or MMS

  4. Write your message

  5. Set a delay time

  6. You’re done; now you can rock

Autoresponders can be as simple as a one-time reminder, or as complex as an entire series spread out over weeks or months.

Note that existing subscribers won’t receive your autoresponder … it will only be sent to new people who subscribe (or get added) after you set it up.

How can I test my autoresponder?

Autoresponders are messages that are queued for delivery at a predetermined interval (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, even years) after someone has been added to a list.

To this, once you created the autoresponder, you can add your number in the list linked to the autoresponder. 

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