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What Is The Campaign Registry?
What Is The Campaign Registry?

If you use a local phone number to text people you need to register with The Campaign Registry. Learn more about them here.

Drew Wilkinson avatar
Written by Drew Wilkinson
Updated over a week ago

U.S. mobile carriers want to protect customers from spam and improve message speed and deliverability for businesses.

It’s why they’re requiring all local phone numbers to be registered.

To achieve this, carriers need a simple way to enable registration. That’s where TCR comes into play.

TCR is a third-party organization that works with carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile and text messaging providers like SimpleTexting to register local phone numbers.

Can I register my number directly on The Campaign Registry?

We register your local number on your behalf. If you’d like to learn more about registering your number with SimpleTexting, we recommend you read this article.

It’s important to note that you can’t register directly on TCR and then come back to us with your number.

However, if you’ve already registered your local number with another SMS provider, we can re-register it with SimpleTexting.

Have more questions about 10DLC?

If you have more questions about 10DLC and registering your local phone number, then check out these resources.

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