How are credits estimated?

Before you send a campaign, we show you an estimate of how many credits you'll use. Here's how we arrive at that number.

Drew Wilkinson avatar
Written by Drew Wilkinson
Updated over a week ago

Different types of messages are worth different credit amounts. Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it seems!

1 SMS message = 1 credit
1 MMS message = 3 credits

So, if you send an SMS message to 500 contacts, that's 500 credits. If you send an MMS messages to 500 contacts, that's 1,500 credits.

When you send a campaign, we show you how many credits you'll use. However, this is just an estimate. Why? There are two reasons.

  1. If you schedule your message for later, more people may join your list before the scheduled send date which will affect the number of credits you'll need!

  2. If you send an MMS messages, some people may only receive your SMS fallback message. In that case, you'll be charged fewer credits than the estimate.

Note: Calculations are based on monthly credit allotments. If you're on an annual plan, this means you may see some unexpected numbers.

If you'd like to learn more about our pricing plans, then head to our pricing page.

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