Snoozing Conversations

Snooze a conversation and set a specific date and time to revisit the thread later on.

Drew Wilkinson avatar
Written by Drew Wilkinson
Updated over a week ago

Not every conversation requires an immediate response, but you definitely don't want to ignore your customers. Whatever your reason for snoozing is, it's a great tool to make sure no conversation falls through the cracks. 

How to Snooze a Thread

1. Select the conversation you'd like to snooze. 

2. At the top of the conversation, select the alarm clock icon

3. Once you click on the icon, a drop down menu will appear. From here, select how long you'd like to snooze the thread for. If none of the preset options work for you, select "choose date/time" to customize a window of time. 

4. Once the snooze period is over, your message will be marked as open again and appear at the top of your Inbox.

💡SimpleTexting Tip: Recipients of your messages will not know you have "snoozed" a conversation. The notification that appears on your screen when you snooze is only visible to you!

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